Summer Scholar Program

The VMEC Summer Scholar Program offers sophomores, juniors and seniors attending a university in Virginia the opportunity for hands on research and development in microelectronics in either an academic or industrial environment. You are also eligible to apply if you are a student at a community college in Virginia and have been accepted to one of the participating 4-year engineering schools. You can also apply if you are a graduating senior and have been accepted into a graduate school at one of the Virginia universities.

*** We are running a few days behind in communicating the final decisions. We are sorry for the delay. ***

Early decisions have been communicated. We are running behind the January 7 date for communicating the final decisions. 

Internship opportunities will be available at (Click on the hyperlinks to learn more about the opportunities at each location)


Information Sessions

There are no more information sessions for the 2025 Summer Scholar session.

Application Form

The deadline for submission of application has passed.

Early decisions will be communicated by December 16, 2024 and final decisions by January 7, 2025.